
Microsoft Azure Cloud Free Account: How to Create Azure Free Account

This post covers  Steps by Step guide  on  how to register For Azure Free Account & how to get azure free trial subscription. Key Points: You should have a Credit Card, an email address, and phone number. If you don’t have a Credit Card, you can register  here  using a valid student college email id to get Azure for Students account. Azure Free Services Azure Free Services is designed to reduce the cost of cloud computing infrastructure for small and medium-sized businesses. It offers customers free tier services in order to test new applications and evaluate benefits of cloud computing. When you start using Azure with a free account, you get  $200 1  credit to spend in the first 30 days after you sign up. In addition, you get free monthly amounts of two groups of services: popular services, which are free for 12 months, and more than 40 other services that are free always. You will be provided with: $200 free credit  for the duration of the f...

Memory Requests And Limits In Kubernetes

  In Kubernetes, what should I use as memory requests and limits? And what happens when you don’t set them? Let’s dive into it. In Kubernetes, you have two ways to specify how much CPU a pod can use: “Requests” are usually used to determine the average consumption. “Limits” set the max number of resources allowed. The Kubernetes scheduler uses requests to determine where the pod should be allocated in the cluster. Since the scheduler doesn’t know the consumption (the pod hasn’t started yet), it needs a hint. The kubelet uses limits to stop the process when it uses more memory than is allowed. It’s worth noting that the process could spike in memory usage before it’s terminated. The kubelet is also in charge of monitoring the total memory utilization of the node. If memory is running low, the kubelet evicts low-priority pods. But how does it decide what’s low priority? When Kubernetes creates a Pod, it assigns one of these QoS classes to the Pod: Guaranteed Burstable BestEffort Pods...